
Nirozz Rage

Info Level Experience Last seen
Nirozz Rage

Voc: Elite Knight
Town: Venore
Premium status: Yes
Guild: Nativo of Aldeia
140 +1 43,641,680 +424,110 2025-03-22 20:32:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
139 139 Cl: 139
Sw: 139
Ax: 139
139 139 139
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2025-03-11 10:33:40 131 Hector El Father and Pedrin Makeucry
2025-03-10 22:09:54 131 Strongalot and Carlito Misil
2025-03-10 15:59:46 132 Slape and Alemaoo
2024-10-04 19:44:25 29 Domowy Ninja
2024-10-01 20:58:11 28 ancient scarab
2024-09-09 22:55:00 3 field item
Last 10 kills
Date Victim level Victim
2025-03-11 21:28:06 51 Alemaoo
2025-03-11 21:28:06 51 Lello Feffo
2025-03-10 15:49:31 20 Tribufu
2025-03-10 15:48:51 16 Rato Oldtimes
2025-03-06 02:54:04 37 Kill Me
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2025-03-22 09:00:00 139 +1 43,641,680 +867,580
2025-03-21 09:00:00 138 +1 42,774,100 +1,297,916
2025-03-20 09:00:00 137 +2 41,476,184 +1,465,369
2025-03-19 09:00:00 135 40,010,815 +782,236
2025-03-18 09:00:00 135 -1 39,228,579 -1,185,978
2025-03-17 09:00:00 136 +1 40,414,557 +339,822
2025-03-16 09:00:00 135 +1 40,074,735 +1,148,516
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2025-03-22 12 hours, 19 minutes
2025-03-21 16 hours, 34 minutes
2025-03-20 15 hours, 24 minutes
2025-03-19 17 hours, 49 minutes
2025-03-18 16 hours, 50 minutes
2025-03-17 15 hours, 56 minutes
2025-03-16 10 hours, 43 minutes
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2025-03-22 17:14:00 still online 3h 18m 58s 140
2025-03-22 09:07:00 2025-03-22 11:53:00 2h 46m 139
2025-03-22 08:07:00 2025-03-22 09:06:00 59m 139
2025-03-22 01:55:00 2025-03-22 05:17:00 3h 22m 139
2025-03-22 01:22:00 2025-03-22 01:53:00 31m 139
2025-03-21 22:53:00 2025-03-22 01:20:00 2h 27m 139
2025-03-21 18:30:00 2025-03-21 22:49:00 4h 19m 139
2025-03-21 16:46:00 2025-03-21 17:42:00 56m 138
2025-03-21 13:24:00 2025-03-21 13:51:00 27m 138
2025-03-21 09:07:00 2025-03-21 09:59:00 52m 138
2025-03-21 06:13:00 2025-03-21 09:01:00 2h 48m 138
2025-03-20 21:59:00 2025-03-21 06:07:00 8h 8m 138
2025-03-20 20:43:00 2025-03-20 21:55:00 1h 12m 138
2025-03-20 09:07:00 2025-03-20 17:58:00 8h 51m 137
2025-03-20 08:25:00 2025-03-20 09:06:00 41m 137
2025-03-20 08:10:00 2025-03-20 08:17:00 7m 137
2025-03-20 04:41:00 2025-03-20 05:08:00 27m 137
2025-03-19 21:55:00 2025-03-20 02:05:00 4h 10m 137
2025-03-19 21:32:00 2025-03-19 21:51:00 19m 137
2025-03-19 09:08:00 2025-03-19 19:16:00 10h 8m 135
Level change history
12 2024-09-11 13 2024-09-12 15 2024-09-13 16 2024-09-14 20 2024-09-15
21 2024-09-16 22 2024-09-17 24 2024-09-19 25 2024-09-24 27 2024-09-30
29 2024-10-03 28 2024-10-05 29 2024-10-22 126 2025-03-05 127 2025-03-07
128 2025-03-08 130 2025-03-09 132 2025-03-10 130 2025-03-11 131 2025-03-12
132 2025-03-13 133 2025-03-14 134 2025-03-15 135 2025-03-16 136 2025-03-17
135 2025-03-18 137 2025-03-20 138 2025-03-21 139 2025-03-22